


Being a boxer one requires a strong core to be able to land effective punches and react fast while in the ring. For the same reason, among other workouts, Floyd Mayweather would regularly condition his abs with the help of an ab-roller. Of late, a YouTuber popularly known as Barnation tried Mayweather’s workout with the ab roller to get unexpected results. However, it was not boxing that encouraged the YouTuber, it was rather a group of women!

As Barnation narrated the tale on YouTube, one day he went to the beach wearing a white vest. Of course, it was not a commendable choice as Barnation was not in his best shape. In his own words, Barnation looked like “Vin Diesel” in “Kevin Hart’s clothes.” However, to his surprise, a group of very attractive women approached him. But why?

Ini Lawan Terakhir Mayweather Sebelum Pensiun - Bola



The group of women who spotted Barnation seemed well-behaved and the YouTuber delighted in finding their company. However, little did he know, he was about to face disappointment. “So, long story short. This really pretty group of girls approached me and asked for directions to a restaurant. There’s nothing wrong with that,” said Barnation recalling the unfortunate incident. Soon the group of women left the YouTuber embarrassed out of the blue.

But, it’s the way they asked me for directions. They said, ‘Excuse me, Sir, you look like you know where there’s a good place to eat really really good food,” revealed Barnation hilariously! “I just looked down and that thing [the belly] was hanging,” he said with disappointment.

But, Barnation had to be sure. So he, despite feeling awkward, confronted those women and asked, “Why would you say that?” In their reply, they made matters worse by explicitly saying, “You know your stomach.” So, Barnation misguided the women and decided to work as hard as Floyd Mayweather did.

Floyd Mayweather



Did Barnation achieve his goals following Floyd Mayweather’s routine?

Motivated to get back in shape, Barnation initially did “10 reps 10 times” i.e. he rolled his abs 100 times a day. However, after each rep, he would rest for a minute. But the journey was not easy! While it would be easy initially, after some time, his body would shake and he really had to push himself beyond his limits. “I felt like the food that I had the night before wanted to pop back out,” said Barnation, recalling the pain he survived. But, he did not give up.

From the 16th day onward, Barnation started to feel strong and he could feel that he was getting back in shape. Soon, he could roll his abs 200 times a day. At the end of four weeks, Barnation saw the result and was impressed. He was back in shape and wanted to return to the beach shirtless! So, he encouraged others who wish to get in shape too. “This is definitely beneficial, it really works,” he added. Let us know what you think of Barnation’s struggle in the comments below.

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